Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kissing Techniques

Have fresh breath and a clean mouth.

Number one turn off is bad breath! It will totally ruin any chances of getting a second chance with a girl and don't be shocked if you never hear back from the person again!

Make sure you keep some mints, gum or disposable tooth brush handy. Also when you brush your teeth, make sure to brush your tongue! Floss regularly and use mouthwash and you'll be good to go!

Before going on a date, try to avoid foods with a strong or unpleasant aftertaste such as spicy foods, onions, garlic, coffee or alcohol.

Make sure she's ready

An unwanted kiss is irritating at best. How do you know if she’s digging you enough for some lip loving?

You need to read her body language. If she inches towards you slowly, smiles at you, twirls her hair, licks or bites her lip then you can be pretty confident that she's hoping for a kiss.

Another sign that she’s ready for some smooching is if she tries to get you alone somehow. She might suggest that you go somewhere and “talk”, or ask to go somewhere that’s quiet.


Force yourself to just calm down and breathe. She’s not going to enjoy kissing you if you’re stiff as a board or shaking like a neurotic chihuahua.

Be confident

One of the greatest turn ons for girls is confidence. Even if you’re nervous inside, if you show a cool, confident demeanor she can’t help but be impressed.

Once you chose the right moment, don’t turn back. Act like you’ve done it a million times.

Note: Confident does not mean fast and aggressive. It just means to be decisive when you’re going to kiss. Have you ever seen two people try to kiss and they each turn their heads to the same side, pull back, go in again and possibly bump heads? Yeah, that’s exactly what confidence will help you avoid.

Tilt your head slightly

As you lean in slowly for the kiss, angle your head slightly so you don’t bump noses with her. If she’s already tilting her head in one direction, tilt yours to the opposite.

Close your eyes

As you get closer to her face, close your eyes. You should do this for a couple of reasons. For one, it can be kind of a turnoff looking at two huge crossed eyes up close. Closing your eyes also heightens the physical sensations and makes the kiss more pleasurable and intimate.

Start with a soft, closed-mouth kiss

When your lips meet give her a gentle kiss with your mouth closed but your lips relaxed. You don’t want to involve your tongue yet, but don’t act like you’re kissing your mom either.

Open your lips slightly

If she accepts your kiss and doesn’t seem like she wants to run away, try opening your lips a bit. Not a lot, just enough so that you could breathe out of your mouth if you wanted too.

Most likely she’ll do the same at this point. Try slightly varying the openness of your lips as you kiss. It’s not exactly rocket science and you’ll get used to it real quick.

Use your hands

Stressing about where to put your hands? That’s understandable. You can’t exactly leave them at your sides now can you? Well, you can if you want to look like a robot or an uninterested ape.

The absolute best place to put your hands during a French kiss is left hand on her hip, right hand slightly higher between her waist and underarm. Make sure your right hand’s not too close to her breast. You don’t want to be one of those guys. At least not right away.

That positioning might not be possible if you’re on a roller coaster or something. You may have to improvise. If that’s the case you can touch her back, her hair, the side of her face, her’s all good. Just don’t do anything that looks or feels stupid.

Use your tongue

She hasn’t sprayed you with mace and called the police by now? Fantastic. Time to get into some serious French kissing.

If she’s enjoying your open mouth kiss, take it to the next level by opening your mouth a little more and gently putting your tongue in her mouth. Tongues are very sensitive so the act of touching them will be very stimulating for both of you.

Don’t just go plowing around at the back of her throat. Just touch her tongue lightly and wait for her to do the same. Don’t worry, she will.

Keep the touch of your tongue and lips soft. Again, don’t probe madly around with a super stiff tongue. Follow her lead, though. If she’s kissing you hard feel free to give it back to her!

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